중간과 끝에 한글파일로 변형 문제와 정답지를 첨부 하였습니다.^^

18번 변형
다음 글의 내용을 바탕으로 작성된 이메일로 가장 적절한 것은?
To the State Education Department,
Our school requires additional funding to establish an Art and Library Media Center. Despite submitting all necessary documents in April 2024, we have not received any feedback. Delayed notifications could impact our budget and schedule. Please review our submission and provide the results promptly.
Clara Smith
① To confirm the receipt of the documents submitted in April
② To request additional documentation for budget approval
③ To inquire about the review status of submitted materials
④ To propose a new design for the media center
⑤ To delay the project due to budgetary constraints
19번 변형
다음 글의 심경 변화와 가장 관련 있는 행동은 무엇인가?
A basketball player initially believed he would be chosen as the team captain but was told to leave the team instead.
① Seeking advice from teammates
② Practicing harder for future opportunities
③ Reflecting on personal shortcomings
④ Protesting the coach’s decision
⑤ Suppressing emotions to maintain composure
20번 변형
다음 글을 읽고, 필자가 제안하는 실생활 운동 방법으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 짧은 시간 동안 격렬한 유산소 운동을 계획한다.
② 아침에 물을 끓이는 동안 스쿼트를 한다.
③ 집안일을 미루고 헬스장에 가는 것을 우선시한다.
④ 가족과 함께 야외 운동 프로그램에 참여한다.
⑤ 일상 루틴에 운동 일정을 별도로 추가한다.
21번 변형
다음 문장이 의미하는 바와 가장 유사한 것은?
Seeing is not believing.
① 객관적 기억은 현실의 정확한 반영이다.
② 우리의 경험은 본능적으로 형성된다.
③ 추상적 개념이 시각적 자료보다 더 중요하다.
④ 기억은 감정적 맥락에 따라 왜곡될 수 있다.
⑤ 시각적 정보는 배운 개념에 따라 재구성된다.
22번 변형
다음 글의 요지를 가장 잘 나타낸 속담은?
Original: First impressions can often be more accurate than detailed deliberations.
① Don’t judge a book by its cover.
② The first impression is the last impression.
③ Time reveals the true nature.
④ Slow and steady wins the race.
⑤ Look before you leap.
23번 변형
다음 연구를 통해 강조된 핵심 원칙으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Research Summary: Quantitative studies are more reliable when questions demand specific answers rather than abstract opinions.
① Avoid asking emotionally charged questions.
② Frame questions to gather measurable data.
③ Prioritize large sample sizes for consistency.
④ Use flexible scales to measure abstract qualities.
⑤ Encourage respondents to reflect deeply on past behaviors.
24번 변형
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Original: AI and humans can co-evolve, impacting each other's consciousness and ethical frameworks.
① The Next Frontier: AI and Human Symbiosis
② Ethical Dilemmas of AI Evolution
③ The Singular Path of Human Consciousness
④ Bridging the Gap Between AI and Nature
⑤ How AI Challenges the Future of Work
25번 변형
다음 도표의 내용과 가장 관련 있는 질문은?
Original Question: Which country generates electricity only from fossil fuels and renewables?
① Which country has the largest share of renewables?
② How does nuclear energy contribute to U.S. power generation?
③ Which two countries have a combined renewable share equal to Brazil’s?
④ What is the percentage difference in fossil fuels between the U.S. and Australia?
⑤ In which country is nuclear energy less than one-third of renewables?
26번 변형
Douglas Kirkland의 생애를 설명하는 글이다. 다음 중 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 항목은?
① 어린 시절에 아버지와 사진에 대해 대화를 나눴다.
② Look 잡지의 최연소 사진작가로 고용되었다.
③ 마릴린 먼로 사진은 상징적인 작품으로 남아 있다.
④ 미국 전역의 일상생활을 촬영하며 여행했다.
⑤ 그의 포토 에세이는 소수의 독자들에게만 공개되었다.
27번 변형
Yummy Paws Cooking Class에 참여하기 위해 반드시 지켜야 할 규정은?
① 수업료는 입장 후 지불할 수 있다.
② 반려동물 동반은 허용되지 않는다.
③ 추가 레시피는 별도로 구매해야 한다.
④ 신청 취소는 수업 24시간 전까지 가능하다.
⑤ 한 수업당 최대 15명이 참여할 수 있다.
28번 변형
다음은 2024 K-Pop Cover Dance Contest에 관한 안내문이다. 다음 중 안내문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
2024 K-Pop Cover Dance Contest
Attention all K-Pop fans in Canada! It’s time to showcase your team’s dance talent.
When & Where
Date: November 29th, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: So Merry Theatre
Judging Criteria:
Cooperation, Artistic Skill, Costume
Top 3 teams will win $200 gift certificates.
The winning team will visit Korea's top management agencies.
Submit a cover dance video (no more than 4 minutes) along with your application via our website by November 3rd, 2024.
For more information,
visit www.2024kpopcontest.com.
① 대회는 캐나다에서 개최된다.
② 참가 팀은 4분 이상의 영상을 제출해야 한다.
③ 심사 기준에는 협동심이 포함된다.
④ 우승 팀은 한국의 주요 기획사를 방문할 기회를 얻는다.
⑤ 대회는 2024년 11월 29일 오후 7시에 열린다.
29번 변형
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은?
Digital technologies are essentially related to metaphors, but digital metaphors differ from linguistic ones in many ways. Linguistic metaphors require cognitive effort to interpret, while digital metaphors are embedded in technology, (A) forcing users to adapt their understanding. This contrasts with Shakespearean metaphors like “time is a beggar,” which require active interpretation. Digital technologies (B) primarily focus on usability, where their (C) usefulness is obvious from the start. However, creators cannot assume (D) audiences fully comprehend metaphors without explicit design.
① (A) forcing
② (B) primarily focus
③ (C) usefulness is obvious
④ (D) audiences fully comprehend
⑤ 모든 밑줄이 어법에 맞다
30번 변형
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 단어의 쓰임이 부적절한 것은?
Our cognitive limitations prevent us from solving complex problems individually. Instead, society (A) aggregates individual efforts into collective solutions. For instance, we don’t need to understand how a smartphone operates but only how to (B) interact with it. This allows us to (C) delegate tasks to tools while focusing on meaningful contributions. However, some knowledge must still be (D) distributed equally to ensure functionality. This collective process creates an efficient (E) equilibrium of knowledge-sharing.
① (A) aggregates
② (B) interact
③ (C) delegate
④ (D) distributed
⑤ (E) equilibrium
31번 변형
다음 문장이 들어갈 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은?
An octopus can mimic its surroundings with astonishing accuracy.
(__________), it transforms itself into creatures like flounders or sea snakes, blending perfectly into its environment.
① By observing predators
② As a defense mechanism
③ Due to its nocturnal nature
④ While searching for food
⑤ To intimidate prey
32번 변형
다음 문장에서 "how we frame the pain in our mind"이 의미하는 바를 가장 잘 나타낸 것은?
When we understand pain as a necessary part of growth or healing, we experience it differently.
① Pain perception changes with context.
② Mental distractions lessen physical pain.
③ Endurance training reduces pain sensitivity.
④ Psychological pain is worse than physical pain.
⑤ Medication delays the realization of pain.
33번 변형
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
By offering three versions of a product, companies can (__________) customers to choose the middle-priced item, balancing affordability and quality.
① guide
② manipulate
③ persuade
④ distract
⑤ entice
34번 변형
다음 문장에서 기후변화 이야기의 미래를 나타내는 가장 적절한 결론은?
As the world grapples with the undeniable impacts of climate change, stories about its dangers may no longer seem fictional.
① Fictional narratives may lose their relevance.
② Stories will inspire large-scale environmental movements.
③ People will seek more factual depictions of nature.
④ Climate fiction will evolve into pure science fiction.
⑤ Filmmakers will increase investment in documentaries.
35번 변형
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Water shortages are not inevitable but arise from poor infrastructure and mismanagement. This can result in urban leaks and theft, causing significant waste. In contrast, rural areas face additional challenges of distance from water sources. Some estimates suggest that up to 40% of freshwater in certain countries is lost due to system inefficiencies.
① 첫 번째 문장
② 두 번째 문장
③ 세 번째 문장
④ 네 번째 문장
⑤ 모든 문장이 흐름에 적절하다
36번 변형
다음 글의 흐름에서 가장 먼저 와야 할 부분은?
Given Sentences:
(A) Self-esteem and emotions motivate individuals to align with societal expectations.
(B) Human survival has historically depended on group support and resource sharing.
(C) Individuals monitor others' perceptions and adjust behavior accordingly.
① (A)
② (B)
③ (C)
④ (B) → (C) → (A)
⑤ (C) → (A) → (B)
37번 변형
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Consciousness may play a fundamental role in depression, as chemical imbalances are likely effects, not causes, of the condition.
① Serotonin levels are unrelated to mental health.
② Consciousness can reshape brain activity.
③ Depression stems from distorted self-awareness.
④ Brain functions solely dictate emotional health.
⑤ Environmental factors outweigh biological ones.
38번 변형
다음 문장이 들어갈 가장 적절한 위치는?
Instead, they rely on experimental data and empirical evidence.
Given Passage:
Psychology aims to explain human behavior scientifically. Many misconceptions about human nature arise from cultural stereotypes. (__________). This reliance on data distinguishes psychology from mere philosophy or opinion.
① 첫 번째 문장 뒤
② 두 번째 문장 뒤
③ 세 번째 문장 뒤
④ 마지막 문장 뒤
39번 변형
다음 글에서 ‘canalization’이 가리키는 개념으로 가장 적합한 것은?
The development of complex organisms follows strict pathways, limiting possible outcomes despite environmental variations.
① Evolutionary diversity
② Genetic constraints
③ Predetermined developmental outcomes
④ Random mutations
⑤ Adaptive flexibility
40번 변형
다음 글의 내용을 요약한 문장에서 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은?
Punishments like scolding may unintentionally reinforce bad behavior. Rewarding positive actions instead can encourage better choices.
(A) reinforce unwanted behavior, which suggests parents should focus on (B) rewarding positive actions.
① weaken / highlighting
② weaken / rewarding
③ reinforce / rewarding
④ reinforce / punishing
⑤ avoid / rewarding
41번 변형
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Humans are wired to detect agency in their surroundings, attributing intent even where none exists, as a survival mechanism.
① The Evolutionary Basis of Assumptions
② Detecting Intentions in Ambiguous Situations
③ How Perception Shapes Human Behavior
④ Overcoming Cognitive Biases in Nature
⑤ Recognizing Patterns in Random Events
42번 변형
다음 글의 밑줄 친 단어 중 문맥상 쓰임이 부적절한 것은?
① (a) determine
② (b) likely
③ (c) resistant
④ (d) quickly
⑤ (e) saved
2024년 10월 고1 학평 중요단어 + 시험지, 해설지
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